PO BOX 3 BAILEYS HARBOR WI 54202 | +1.9208392424 | peilsanitation@gmail.com
University of Minnesota created this video about maintenance. Also, they say Seasonal or infrequent use of a POWTs may increase RATHER than decrease the need for pumping.
Keep an eye on the ground around your system.
Greener grass by leach field could indicate a problem.
Gurgling in the drains could mean a clogged filter or failing pump in the lift station.
A plumber is needed for pump replacements. He will determine if pumping is required.
Your system may have a lift station fuse and/or an alarm fuse. Reset or replace.
Private OnSite Wastewater Treatment systems (POWTS) are required by WI DNR to be pumped regularly. The Wisconsin county determines the regularity of this schedule. In Door County, systems are required to be inspected or pumped if the combined sludge & scum layers are more than 1/3 of the tank volume. Only a licensed plumber or septage hauler can complete the MAINTENANCE PUMPING REPORT.
This link to UMinnesota has suggestions about laundry schedule and household cleaners.
A little maintenance can save a LOT of money!
Remember, healthy PWOTs are better at recycling water to the overall available water.
Our trucks are 35-40' long and 12' x 12'. The Door County Sanitarian recommends access distance from truck to tank not exceed 25'. Please keep this in mind when designing and landscaping.
Should be done in between pumping. Here's a link to a pdf for instructions on cleaning.
U of Minnesota says these are a waste of money. Better to pump out by professional & maintenance.